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What is it? 

 A 30- to 45- second oral presentation of YOUR story 



So, what's exactly in it?

  • What you currently do

  • How you add value to the organization

  • Where you'd like to be in the near future and why


How do I go about fine-tuning it?

  • Did you include your transferable skills? 

  • Is the speech targeted?

  • Did you mention how you're different from the competition?


What are transferable skills and how do I identify them?
These are skills you acquire and transfer to future employment.  You may want to ask family, friends

and past employers to help you identify what you have to offer future employers.Typically you have acquired or demonstrated these through jobs, campus activities or academic projects.  


The most common are:  

  • interpersonal skills (relating well with others, responding to concerns, motivating people, assisting others, resolving conflicts, being a team player) 

  • leadership skills (decision-making, evaluating, managing, planning, supervising, delegating, initiating, motivating others, problem-solving and team-building) 

  • organizational skills (follow-through, multitasking, setting and attaining goals, meeting deadlines, planning, time management) 

  • communication skills (advising, explaining, persuading or selling, public speaking, translating, articulating, instructing, presenting, training, writing and editing)


Here's a guide for you from Media Bistro to follow in creating your elevator pitch:


"Currently, I'm working/studying as a (job, education description) where I (brief explanation of what 

you do--listing transferable skills at this point in the pitch is good).


One of my greatest strength's is my ability to (list your greatest workplace strength--perhaps talk about a recent workplace accomplishment).


Now, I'm planning to (describe the direction you're look for.  The opportunity to articulate what excites you about the role) encourages me to pursue this role."


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